

Our Message

Easter @ YBC

Come and join us

14th April– Palm Sunday Family Service -11:00am @YBC

Join us for a creative and interactive family service as we celebrate the joy of Palm Sunday.

18th April– Tenebrae Service – 8:00pm @YBC

Join us on Maundy Thursday for our reflective Tenebrae service- The word 'Tenebrae’ is Latin for shadows, this service seeks to recreate the emotion of the passion story through the lighting and extinguishing of candles as the passion narrative is retold. Holy Communion will be shared at this service.

19th April – Good Friday Service – 10:00am @YBC

At our Good Friday service, we will explore the journey to cross with opportunity for prayerful reflection and worship alongside the sharing of Holy Communion.

21st April– Easter Family Celebration Service- 11:00am @YBC

As we remember the most important day in history, come and join us with the whole family in the great celebration of Easter. Experience uplifting music, an engaging message of hope and chocolate!!!!