Acts 1:8
Jesus’ words to his disciples in Acts 1:8: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
These words express the thoroughly trinitarian nature of New Testament mission and ask each of us to:
TRUST the Father,
RECEIVE the Spirit and
TELL the story of the son.
5 Practices for Fruitfulness
Our values are base on five practices that we believe lead to a more fruitful life and church community. These are the practices of
Radical Hospitality,
Passionate Worship,
Intentional Faith Development,
Risk-Taking Mission and Service,
and Extravagant Generosity
When we practices these values we find that the world around us changes and so do our own lives. leading us to grown a deeper relationship with God and live more fruitfully.
Radical Hospitality
Receiving God’s love and offer it to others
The Congregational Practice of Radical Hospitality
Congregations that practiceRadical Hospitalitydemonstrate an active desire to invite, welcome, receive, and care for those who are strangers so that they find a spiritual home and discover for themselves the unending richness of life in Christ.Radicaldescribes that which is drastically different from ordinary practices, outside the normal, that which exceeds expectations and goes the second mile.
The Personal Practice of Radical Hospitality
Radical Hospitalityin our personal walk with Christ begins with an extraordinary receptivity to the grace of God. In distinctive and personal ways, we invite God into our hearts and make space for God in our lives. We say Yesto God and open ourselves to the spiritual life. We accept God’s love and acceptance of us. We receive God’s love and offer it to others.
Passionate Worship
We learn to love God in return
The Congregational Practice of Passionate Worship
Worshipdescribes those times we gather deliberately seeking to encounter God in Christ. God uses worship to transform lives, heal wounded souls, renew hope, shape decisions, provoke change, inspire compassion, and bind people to one another. The word passionateexpresses an intense desire, an ardent spirit, strong feelings, and the sense of heightened importance. Congregations who practice Passionate Worship offer their utmost and highest; they expect worship to be the most important hour of the week.
The Personal Practice of Passionate Worship
Through the personal practice of Passionate Worship, we learn to love God in return. Followers of Christ develop patterns of listening to God, allowing God to shape our hearts and minds through prayer, personal devotion, and community worship. We love God.
Intentional Faith Development
We place ourselves in the most advantageous circumstances to learn and grow in our following of Christ
Intentional Faith Developmentrefers to all the ministries that help us grow in faith outside of weekly worship, such as bible studies, Sunday School classes, support groups, and prayer teams. Congregations who practice Intentional Faith Development offer opportunities for people to learn in community for people at all stages of faith. They offer ministries that help people grow in grace and in the knowledge and love of God. Intentionalrefers to deliberate effort, purposeful action, and high priority.
The Personal Practice of Intentional Faith Development
Through the personal practice of Intentional Faith Development, we do the soul work that connects us to others, immerses us in God’s Word, and positions us to grow in grace and mature in Christ. We place ourselves in the most advantageous circumstances to learn and grow in our following of Christ. We cooperate with the Holy Spirit in our own spiritual maturation. We learn in community.
Risk Taking Mission and Service
We offer ourselves, our gifts and abilities and passions, to God so God can use us to transform the world by relieving suffering.
The Congregational Practice of Risk-Taking Mission and Service
Mission and Servicerefers to the projects, efforts, and work people do to make a positive difference in the lives of others for the purposes of Christ, whether or not they will ever become part of the community of faith. Risk-takingpushes us out of our comfort zone, stretching us beyond service to people we already know, exposing us to people, situations, and needs that we would never ordinarily encounter apart from our deliberate intention to serve Christ. Congregations who practice Risk-taking Mission and Service offer endless opportunities for people to make a difference in lives of others through service projects, volunteer opportunities, and mission initiatives.
The Personal Practice of Risk-Taking Mission and Service
The personal practice of Risk-Taking Mission and Serviceinvolves offering ourselves in purposeful service to others in need, making a positive difference even at significant personal cost and inconvenience to our own lives. We offer ourselves, our gifts and abilities and passions, to God so God can use us to transform the world by relieving suffering. We serve.
Extravagant Generosity
We give back, growing in grace
The Practice of Extravagant Generosity
Generositydescribes the Christian’s unselfish willingness to give in order to make a positive difference for the purposes of Christ. Congregations that practice Extravagant Generosityprovide ministries that address our spiritual need to give in ways that exceed all expectations and extend to unexpected measures. Fruitful congregations thrive because of extraordinary sharing, willing sacrifice, and joyous giving out of love for God and neighbor.
The Personal Practice of Extravagant Generosity
Through the practice of Extravagant Generosity, we offer our material resources in a manner that supports the causes that transform life and relieve suffering and that enlarges the soul and sustains the spirit. God uses our giving to reconfigure our interior lives and form us anew. We give back.