58th Birmingham BB & GA
Belong & Believe
BB & GA meets on Friday nights and is led by trained volunteers who are committed to providing a regular meeting time of activities and skills for children and young people. It’s a great place to meet new friends, catch up with old ones and have fun with others of your own age.
The evenings are a combination of games, activities, badge-work, craft and much more. There are plenty of opportunities to go on camps, join in Birmingham-wide competitions and undertake new challenges.
Friday (During term time)
Anchors : 6pm-7:15pm – Reception to yr 3
Juniors : 6pm-7:30pm - yr 4 to yr6
Company : 7:15pm-9pm - yr 7 to yr9
Seniors : 7:15pm-9:30pm - yr10+
For more details contact Alex Rogers or Steve Green